After approximately 10 hours on the road, we arrived at the Aubrey Falls Trading Post. The owners were to ferry us up to our start point on the Mississagi River with the agreement to leave our vehicle at the Aubrey Falls Dam for pull out since the road into Rouelle Landing (Peshu Lake Road) was too rough (their information, not ours). Since we wanted to avoid long stretches of lake travel, we asked if was possible to get to Aubrey Falls through Rimrock Creek after portaging over a dam at Rouelle Landing. We were told by the driver that it was okay.
The next morning, during our trip up to the put-in where the river crosses the road from Ramsey, we passed through areas of clear cut that stretched as far as the eye could see.
Not an auspicious beginning!
Our intentions were to do the section of the river from Spanish Lake to Rouelle Landing (on Rocky Island Lake) in about 8 or 9 days, a distance of about 160 km (100 miles). According to our research, the only major obstacles were portages, one of which was in excess of 1 km in length.